
I'm Honey Doe

Fusce quis volutpat porta, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam erat quis volutpat porta, neque massa, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam FusceFusce quis volutpat porta, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam erat quis volutpat porta, neque massa, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam FusceFusce quis volutpat porta, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam erat quis volutpat porta, neque massa, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam FusceFusce quis volutpat porta, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam erat quis volutpat porta, neque massa, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam Fusce

Fusce quis volutpat porta, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam erat quis volutpat porta, neque massa, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam FusceFusce quis volutpat portaFusce quis volutpat porta, ut tincidunt eros est nec diam erat quis volutpat porta

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temp chk

Here we have only two switched reference voltages: 0 and 1.0000. (As we shall show later, we can tweak the high end even if this voltage is not precise.) Here we have added a number of flip-flops such as CMOS types 4013 (which come two to a chip).

The high end tweak on the other hand, may use any of a number of techniques. But this involves smaller adjustments, such as small resistors or small capacitors. These may well not be actual trim-pots, but slightly different fixed components.

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AstronautContinuous EVA
Anatoliy Solovyov78.79
Michael Lopez-Alegria67.67
Jerry Ross58.63
John Grunsfeld58.50

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